Our meetings, agendas & minutes
All meetings are open to the public except where business of a confidential nature is to be transacted - eg staffing, contractual and some legal matters. Meetings cover many items.
All drainage authorities have general supervisory functions and powers. They can make byelaws to ensure and protect adequate drainage systems and works, like sea defences; they can require owners and occupiers of properties to remedy defects in systems, they control the erection of structures affecting watercourses and the culverting of watercourses which require their special consents. They consider the implications of proposals by assessing risks of flooding, both to areas subject to proposed development and adjoining areas, and their advice is given to planning authorities and all other interested parties.
If you'd like to view the actions from these meetings please visit the password protected Actions page.
Board members only areaBoard meeting dates
Wednesday 5th Feb 2025
Wednesday 4th June 2025
Wednesday 12th Nov 2025
Wednesday 4th Feb 2026
Meetings start at 2pm
ROLE: The Board determines all matters relating to its major functions. These include overall management, rate-setting, budget setting, appointment of external auditors, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, appointment of committees, the making of Byelaws and staffing structure.
ROLE: The Committee reviews and oversees all support services: HR, Probity, Legal, IT, Governance, strategic communications, procurement and risk management.
ROLE: The purpose of the Executive Committee is to undertake delegated tasks from the LSIDB Board including for key and immediate decisions from LSIDB’s Current Sub Committee’s: The development and implementation of strategy, operational plans, policies, procedures and budgets.
ROLE: The Committee authorises the purchase of replacement machinery in accordance with the approved programme, the commissioning of engineering schemes or works up to the value of £30,000 and the adoption or de-classification of watercourses in line with The Board's approved policy framework. The Committee makes recommendations to The Board on rhine maintenance priorities, future maintenance liabilities, all issues related to developments at Avonmouth and pumping station maintenance and repair.
ROLE: The Committee appoints internal auditors, commissions audit-related work, approves the Risk Register and the Business Continuity Plan, reviews all expenditure, manages rate arrears and sundry debts and monitors all Board spending against the approved budget. It makes recommendations to The Board on the annual budget and rate setting, the Medium Term Financial Plan, Treasury Management, insurance issues and financial policies and strategies.
Previous committees prior to amendment of governance policy
ROLE: To provide strategic direction and oversight for the growth and development of the LSIDB, with a focus on Capital Programme delivery, technology & process development, and LSIDB growth.
ROLE: The Committee makes recommendations to The Board on compliance with all corporate governance arrangements, the committee structure, all delegations to officers & committees, the review of all orders, rules, regulations and policies, revisions of the complaint procedure and the application of data protection, freedom of information, anti-fraud and bribery legislation.
ROLE: The Committee determines employee training, employment and pension procedures, retirement and redundancies and staff appraisals. The Committee also makes recommendations on the staffing structure, terms of conditions of employment, pension and redundancy policies and all Health & Safety issues.
Due to the sensitive nature of these meetings all documents are classed as confidential.
ROLE: The Committee monitors and reviews The Board's overall financial position and makes recommendations to the Finance & General Purposes Committee on the disposition of its funds between the Capital Programme, short & medium term investments, cash holdings and The Board's medium term financial plan.
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