who we help

Working hard to benefit the local community

The Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board (LSIDB) is an independent public body maintaining local watercourses and drainage.

To complete our work, we engage with, and assist, many individuals and groups who all share an interest in Lower Severn drainage management. They include:

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local authorities / councils

In the face of increasing climate uncertainty, LSIDB and local councils work in partnership to shape a sustainable future through responsible water management practices.

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The LSIDB works with landowners to maximise agricultural productivity, support conservation, and optimise water resources sustainably.

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property developers

Around 10% of the land within the LSIDB drainage boundary is developed land – both residential property and commercial units, for example in Bristol City.

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government agencies

DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) is the government agency responsible for the work undertaken by the LSIDB, and also directly supervises all main watercourses. The LSIDB also works closely with the Environment Agency, Lead Local Flood Authorities, and Local Authorities surrounding planning issues.

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wildlife, canal & river trusts

The LSIDB works in partnership with both Wildlife and Waterways Trusts to preserve and safeguard the ecological, historical, and cultural significance of our waterways and the habitats they provide.

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water & energy companies

The LSIDB provides vital flood risk management and drainage consulting and maintenance for water/ water treatment and energy companies. Network-critical assets within our drainage boundary include Nuclear Power and gas-fired power generation facilities, renewable power generation and National Grid infrastructure.

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other ADA members

The Association of Drainage Authorities (ADA) is the UK membership body for organisations involved in water level management and is the national representative body for Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) in England.

Latest from LSIDB

July 1, 2024

Slimbridge Parish Council Welcomes Talk by LSIDB

LSIDB presents on their work within the Parish of Slimbridge

June 19, 2024

New Film on Internal Drainage Boards Released!

An exciting new film has been made on the work of Internal Drainage Boards

May 29, 2024

Arlingham News May 2024

Arlingham News features Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board

July 1, 2024

Slimbridge Parish Council Welcomes Talk by LSIDB

LSIDB presents on their work within the Parish of Slimbridge

June 19, 2024

New Film on Internal Drainage Boards Released!

An exciting new film has been made on the work of Internal Drainage Boards