Nurturing habitats for endangered flora and fauna

The drainage area managed by the LSIDB includes six Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). These sites, legally designated by Natural England, are areas of particular interest to science due to rare species of flora, fauna, or other important geological or physiological features.

Habitats and features within SSSI must be maintained in healthy state and conserved by appropriate management. Large parts of the Severn Estuary that we manage are designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA), with both The Severn Estuary and Walmore Common designated as wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites).

HeronDucks flying over river
UK river

What we do

Our work supports several rare and endangered species. For example, to ensure eels and fish can navigate their way along rivers unharmed, the first of five LSIDB pumping stations, at Elmore Back, near Gloucester, has now been upgraded with eel and fish friendly passes and pumps.

Other rare species our work helps to protect include the water vole, the native, White-clawed Crayfish, and freshwater mussels.

In terms of conserving habitats, at Walmore Common the LSIDB controls a water level management structure to ensure that the area stays wet enough, during the summer months, for Bewick Swans to nest and breed.

Who pays?

The LSIDB prepares an environmental case and applies for government funding on a project-by-project basis.

Fast facts

In 2022, the LSIDB secured project funding worth £800,000 to make Elmore Back pumping station eel and fish-friendly.
By 2025 all of the LSIDB Pumping Stations will have eel passages, ensuring that eels have a safe migratory journey.
The habitats for rare water voles, fish, birds, flora and fauna are ecologically managed.

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